You cannot play tournament bridge in a safer environment than at the Gopher Regional!

Here is the latest COVID information for players attending the Gopher Regional:

    The Gopher Regional will follow the ACBL protocols regarding COVID vaccination and masking at the time of the tournament.  Currently, the ACBL masking policy is that masks are optional so long as COVID transmission rates in Hennepin County are in the low or medium category; however, this is monitored on a daily basis, and may change.  Please check this page for any changes.
Pre-register your vaccination status by taking a picture of your vaccination card and emailing it to:
    Your name will then be added to the list and you can check in with your picture ID at the Health and Safety Desk to get a tournament wristband prior to buying your entry.

     To access the CDC's latest COVID information for Hennepin County MN, home of the Gopher Regional, click here.

To access the ACBL's latest COVID protocols for this tournament, click here.


As a vaccinated bridge player, your body has "seen" the coronavirus as a result of your vaccine.  So when exposed, you'll develop symptoms immediately (stuffy nose, sore throat, cough, etc.) and this will happen before you are contagious.  For this reason, an immediate rapid-antigen test may show negative - but that is only because your body has not had enough time to build enough virus to show up on the test (or to get to your nose, where the test is taken).  Therefore, if you develop cold-like symptoms, you should assume that you have been exposed to COVID and take the necessary precautions immediately.

You should wait 24-36 hours after developing symptoms before taking a rapid-antigen test.  Remember, a rapid-antigen test does not tell you whether you are positive for COVID; it only tells you if you have COVID and are infectious.

After your symptoms have cleared, as a vaccinated person you are likely going to be infectious for several more days - and only when you have had two days of negative rapid-antigen test results should you break quarantine and come back to the bridge table.  That is when you know you are no longer contagious.

We are hoping to see you safely at and away from the table come May 22nd!